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- Patzcuaro 1 day

- City Tour

- Mexican Fiesta

- Zip Line Canopy

- Baby turtle release

- Sunset Cruise

- Scuba Diving

- Terms & Conditions

Continue exploring the different tours we have available in Ixtapa Zihuatanejo:

One day Tour To Pátzcuaro

Basilica of our Lady of Good Health

Includes transportation and tour guide service. Departure is at 6:30 AM. Three hours later we come to the first town we visit, the town of Patzcuaro (a Colonial and Indian town that is famous for its colonial beauty and because their traditions had been the same for hundreds of years). During our stay we will also visit the Basilica of our Lady of Good Health, the miracle fountain, the House of the Eleven Patios, and the town square where we can find beautiful colonial buildings, restaurants with native dishes, ladies who still dress the way they did 400 years ago. We can also visit the workshops where men work the wood like great artists.

We will visit Tzintzuntzan which is an archaeological center. Tzintzutzan is one of the largest and most important excavation sites in the state of Michoacan. This was the capital city of the Tarascan Empire. This site was inhabited between 1200 and 1521 A.D.

Finally we will visit Santa Clara del Cobre, on this small community we will be able to see how handicraftsman hammer the copper for days to turn it in to beautiful arts and crafts, we will also visit the copper museum. We will be heading back around 5 or 6 P.M., so that we can be back in Ixtapa around 9 or 10 P.M.

After visiting all the places mention above we can either come back to Ixtapa or eat lunch in Patzcuaro and then come back to Ixtapa.

Recommendations. Bring heavy clothes, a camera and comfortable shoes.

Note: This tour will be operated with a minimum of 3 passengers.


City Tour

Ixtapa Beach and Hotels

This tour Includes transportation and tour guide service. The tour can be operated in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on what works out better for you.

First we’ll take you to the Playa Linda Lagoon which is a preserve jungle where you will be able to easily watch crocodiles, iguanas and turtles living in a completely natural habitat, in the same area within a 5 minutes walking distance you will get a chance to take pictures of Ixtapa Island and wonder around the market of Playa Linda.

The next stop will be at the Ixtapa Marina Yach which was built in 1994 by the same company who built the Marina in Puerto Vallarta, and it is now the place where the high class people live.

After this we will go up to the Ixtapa lookout point where you we’ll be able to see everything there is to see in the area. When we drive up we will go by the two golf courses and most of the hotels that we have in Ixtapa.

Continuing the journey we will drive to the Zihuatanejo Bay where we will stop at a look point from which you will have a chance to visualize pretty much all the beaches in the Bay (Las Gatas Beach, La Madera Beach, La Ropa Beach and the main Beach of Zihua).

Finally we will stop at the 5 de Mayo Street where we will be able to do some shopping and walk by the one and only pear in Zihuatanejo, the Paseo del Pescador , the Fish Market on the Main Beach, the Town Square and the church.

Recommendations: Dress comfortable; bring your camera and spending money.

Mexican Fiesta At the Barcelo Hotel

A tradiciona Mexican dance

The Mexican Fiesta includes open bar, Mexican buffet dinner, a mariachi band with singers and a very entertaining show with traditional dances and some funny games.

This activity takes places at the Barcelo hotel located in Ixtapa, it begins at 7:00 P.M. and it ends at 10:00 P.M. It is recommended to be there at 6:50 so that you can choose which ever sit you prefer. The fiesta always starts with the dinner and after that the show and you can continue eating and drinking if you wish as the show goes on!!!.

Recommendations: Bring your camera.

Note. This activity happens only on Wednesdays.

Zip Line Canopy (Adventure Park)

It includes the use of the equipment (harness), 2 energy bars, 2 drinks (water, soda or beer), practice, instructor and client insurance.

Located in the back side of Ixtapa this amazing park is a preserve tropical forest, which host characteristic flora of the Ixtapa Zihuatanejo region.

This exiting activity includes eleven different canopy adventures such as hanging & navy style bridges, as well as eleven thrilling ziplines, ranging from 132 yards and 50 ft high to 273 yards and 98 ft-high

Recommendations: Bring jeans, tennis shoes, and camera.

Note. The departure for this activity can be any time of the day from 7:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. but I recommend better to do it in the morning when is not hot and hummed.

Turtle release

Baby turtle release with a beutiful sunset!

The baby turtle release includes: transportation and tour guide service. Departure at 4:15 from the lobby of your hotel. We drive out north of Ixtapa for about 40 minutes and we get to a beautiful beach where there is a turtle farm. We select the nest that is hatching and we dig the baby turtles out and put in a container. When we are done digging all the turtles out, we wait until they get more active (about 25 minutes) and we take them by the sand about 20 feet away from the ocean water and release them. It is very nice to see how such a little creature is able to enter the ocean and swim into the deep water! Book this tour with us; you will have a great time.

Book now for only $40 U.S. dollars per person.

Recommendations: Bring your camera to take pictures and do not wear any kind on cream in your hands, the chemicals are not good for the baby turtles (we will provide globs for the digging but even in that case is best no to put cream on your hands).

Sunset Cruise

View of Ixtapa from the boat

It includes transportation from the lobby of your hotel to the pear, open bar and snacks.

On this late afternoon ocean ride you will be able to see each and every one of the beaches of the bay of Zihuatanejo, then the boat will head out into the open sea and then towards ixtapa, in between the two towns we will see the caves and the amazing Sierra Madre Mountains, in front of Ixtapa you will see your hotel and we will get near some of the islands which are bird sanctuaries cover with guano. On the way back to Zihua the beautiful sunset will be the highlight of the ride and the picture to take.

The departure time ranges from 4:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M., depending on the hotel you are staying at.

The boat you see on the above pictures it’s a catamaran that can take up to 80 persons, but we also have another smaller sailboat that can take 18 people, this is an excellent choice for when you do not want to go with a lot people. Go to the Photo Gallery page and check this other sail boat.

Recommendations: Bring your camera and do not were any high hill shoes.

Scuba Diving

Diving in Zihuatanejo

The diving trips include: Land and water transportation; tank, weight and guided boat dives. On the boat we have sodas and water.

Thanks to the colorfulness and well kept coral reefs, and also because of the small volcanic rock formation islands, Ixtapa Zihautanejo meets the appropriate conditions for a vast marine biodiversity.

The service is given at a diving center that meets the standard of a 5 star training and diving center which is also certified by the PADI association, where the working staff has the knowledge and attitude to make you have an unforgettable experience!.

On the diving trips the groups that are taken have no more than 8 people per boat, there are several departures, The following table shows the schedule:

Departure Time
2 Tanks Trip 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
1 Tank Trip 2:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Morros de Potosí Trip 8:30 A.M to 3:00 P.M.
Night Diving Trip 5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Afternoon and Night Trip 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.

The afternoon and night diving trip, is done in two different places and in between the two immersions you will be able to enjoy de beautiful sunset.

Note. For an extra fee of 10.00 USD., you can rent mask and flippers.

Terms & conditions

Note: Until confirmed, rates are subject to change without notice.

All tour prices are per person, except for the fishing; in that particular case the price is for the boat. When fishing the boat can take up to 5 people..

Let us know if you need more information about any of the tours and trips that are listed here.

When you book with us, you will have the following benefits:

  1. Tour guides that are cerfitied by de NOM (NOM, Mexican Official Norm ).

  2. Tour guides that are Bilingual.

  3. Air conditioned vehicles and passenger insurance.

  4. A Tour guide that is born and raised in the area.

  5. Time flexibility.

  6. We are available every day of the year.


  1. Children less than 10 year old are 20% less than for the adults.
  2. We are not affiliated with and/or do promote timeshares or other vacation ownerships.
  3. The tip is not included on any of the tours.
  4. If because of the weather conditions the tour has to be cancel at the beginning, you will get back 50% of the money or the tour can be reschedule for another day.

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Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Gro. México. All Rights reserved.